
Brand Development and Protection Consultation

Scheduling the Appointment

Never provide legal advice. If the caller wants to know our prices let them know that the price varies depending on their needs which requires a legal assessment that only Attorney Murray can provide.

a. The first step is scheduling a time for you to speak with Attorney Murray so that she can not only assess your legal needs but provide legal advice on how best to proceed.

b. During the Brand Development and Protection Consultation Attorney Murray will analyze your situation, answer your legal questions and advise you on the best way to proceed. The fee is $200 for the 30-minute consultation. 

(If push back) By scheduling a personal consult you are able to discuss your challenges with a licensed attorney.  Also, if you retain our services within 24 hrs of your consultation, $100 will be credited toward your service. We have availability (give them two options), which day works for you?c. Give them the option of phone or video conference appointment (Tuesday-Thursday (10-3))

Accepting Payment

An email will be sent once the appointment is made. The email contains a payment link to allow prospect to make their payment to confirm their appointment.

Appointments are not confirmed until payment is made.

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